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CE WEBINAR: Retreatment using XP 3D Adaptive Instrumentation with Dr. Martin Trope and Brasseler USA
Martin Trope Essential tip video
CE WEBINAR: BioCeramics: Promising New Frontier or Wild West
XP Endo Shaper, minimally invasive anatomical instrumentation
18509 removal of fractured XP 3D shaper with TFRK
CE WEBINAR: Advancements in Endodontic Apical Microsurgery by Jon Irelan D.D.S. M.S. and ZEISS
XP Endo Shaper, anatomical root canal treatment of a 18
Actual Root Canal Retreatment
Webinar Endo Q&A 8-6-2021
Anatomically Driven Biologic Endodontics
Webinar XP Endo Solutions FKG
FKG XP endo Solutions SimulaciĆ³n de retratamiento en un diente FKG 3D - Dident